
本文来源于《比较》 2014年第2期 出版日期:2014年4月
when ideas trump interests: preferences, worldviews, and policy innovations
by dani rodrik 丹尼·罗德里克
corruption: supply-side and demand-side solutions
by avinash dixit 阿维纳什·迪克西特

correspondence between economists about income inequality
by robert solow, gregory mankiw, richard burkhauser and jeff larrimore
罗伯特·索洛 格里高利·曼昆 理查德·博克豪瑟 杰夫·拉瑞莫尔
‘brave new capitalists’ paradise’: the jobs? 
by benjamin m. friedman
特稿special feature
recovery from financial crisis: evidence from 100 episodes
by carmen m. reinhart and kenneth s. rogoff
卡门·莱因哈特 肯尼斯·罗高夫
the financial cycle and macroeconomics: what have we learnt?
by claudio borio
金融论坛financial forum
ensuring a responsible financial sector
by the ditchley foundation
rethinking banking supervision philosophy and approaches:simplicity, comparability and risk sensitivity
by wenhong li
法和经济学law and economics
order without law? property rights during the california gold rush
by karen clay and gavin wright
凯伦·克莱 加文·赖特
改革论坛reform forum
the analysis framework and policy recommendations of housing system in urban
by haizhou huang, chao wang and hui wang
黄海洲 汪超 王慧